Saturday, May 22, 2010

Phoebe Prince, Memorial Day and masslive

Looks like some of the people of South Hadley, MA are getting desperate. Or maybe just further out of touch with reality.

South Hadley, you may remember, is home to the kids who abused 15 year old Phoebe Prince so badly that she committed suicide last January. She was allegedly harassed, assaulted and stalked both at South Hadley High School and online. Several witnesses have stated clearly that school administrators knew of it and did nothing. Six of Phoebe's classmates now face criminal charges.

Reading through the South Hadley forum at, it isn't hard to see where these junior sociopaths learned this behavior was OK. Almost from day one, the town has been more interested in deflecting the worldwide media attention it's receiving than in acknowledging it has a problem. They need to "heal" by sweeping their continuing problems under the rug, preferring to forget the fact that a 15 year old girl is dead because school administrators did nothing to stop the abuse. The general sentiment seems to be something along the lines of "Oh, that happened way back in January, it's time to move on"...

Going on that theory, no one should bother with those left homeless due to natural disasters, because that was then and this is now. Murderers shouldn't be locked up, since it won't bring the victims back. And on and on...

But maybe the ultimate idiocy was expressed by a masslive poster who wanted everyone to stop talking about the tragedy for one week, because Memorial Day is coming up. WTF??? Remember all those who died so we can be free, and to hell with the urgent problems sitting right under their noses.

I don't know what's in the air around that town, but whatever it is, I hope it doesn't spread. These people are, to put it simply, nuts. And I always thought Kansas was a haven for ignorant rednecks.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Palin weirdness in the news (again!)

I'm just linking to Shannyn Moore's blog. Thank God for people like Shannyn!

I'm still trying to figure out how in the world Palin ever managed to get elected to any position. She is truly bizarre.

Shannyn Moore on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wankers of the Week: The "pro-life" killers of Dr. Tiller (link)

I happened across a site that's just too good to save only for myself. A no-holds-barred blog which calls the self-described "pro-life movement" what it is.

All I can say is, I wish I'd written it.

News of the Restless: Wankers of the Week: The "pro-life" killers of Dr. Tiller

On another note, I was pleased to note that around 1,000 attended Dr. Tiller's funeral yesterday, to celebrate his life. Many also signed a condolence book, recounting their own stories of the compassion and care they'd received from Dr. Tiller and his staff.

Meanwhile, a grand total of 17 Phelps loonies showed up, mostly out of sight of those attending the service.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank You

To all who worked so hard to make the election of Barack Obama possible and to restore hope:

Thank you. It's no exaggeration to say that you have made history.

Thank God for the chance to make a better world for us all. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Didn't Vote For Obama

by kentuckyscott

I'm a middle-class white guy living in Jacksonville, Florida. I've got a wife and two kids. Because the kids had no school today, I took a vacation day from work, and took the kids downtown to vote early. Fifty-nine minutes later, two smiling children and I proudly sported "I Voted" stickers.

But I didn't vote for Obama.

I voted for my ancestors, who believed in the promise of this country and came with with nothing as immigrants.

I voted for my parents, who taught in the public schools for decades.

I voted for Steve, an acquaintance of mine from Kentucky. (Killed by an IED two years ago in Iraq).

I voted for Shawn, another who's been to Iraq twice, and Afghanistan once, and who'll be going back to Afghanistan again soon -- and whose family earned eleven bucks a month too much to qualify for food stamps when the war started.

I voted for April, the only African-American girl in my high school -- it was years before it occurred to me how different her experience of our school must have been.

I voted for my college friends who are Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and yes -- Muslim.

I voted for my grandfathers, who worked hard in factories and died too young.

I voted for the plumber who worked on my house, because I want him to get a REAL tax break.

I voted for four little angels from Birmingham.

I voted for a bunch of dead white men who, although personally flawed, were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, and used a time of great crisis to expand freedom rather than suspend it.

I voted for all those people and more, and I voted for all of you, too. But mostly, I voted selfishly. I vote for two little kids, one who has ballet in an hour, and once who has baseball practice at the same time. I voted for a world where they can be confident that their government will represent the best that is in this country, and that will in turn demand the best of them. I voted for a government that will be respected in the world. I voted for an economy that will reward work above guile. I voted for everything I believe in.

Sure, I filled in the circle next to the name Obama, but it wasn't him I was voting for -- it was every single one of us, and those I love most of all.

Who else is there to vote for?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life Begins At Rape: Ask Sarah Palin (Link)

Thanks to Shannyn Moore for reposting this. It should not be lost in all the noise.

As usual, Shannyn presents her facts in a rational, concise manner.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Open Letter From Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Kevin Liles and Diddy

Open Letter From Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Kevin Liles and Diddy

Where it stands today, we are on the verge of making history, the kind of history that will be apart of our cultures legacy.

It ain't over, until it's over. There is still so much work to be done. The thrill of victory is just 1 week away. We hear it in the streets, we feel it in our hearts and it's burning in our souls. Together we have successfully registered the most young voters in the history of the modern political process.

We called a State Of Emergency on October 3rd at 6:00AM and our culture stood up and recognized the importance of registering millions of voters. From 1st time voters who have just come of age to vote, to those who are participating for the 1st time in the voting process. Your commitment to Change will continue to ring across our America, because we all are in the Right State Of Mind

Where it stands today, we are on the verge of making history, the kind of history that will be apart of our cultures legacy. The kind of history that bridges the gap between race, religion and culture, the kind of history that will ignite a light that shines bright from generation to generation, screaming that our voice does matter and our vote does count.

The kind of history that will enable the next generation of leaders to encourage vision, not division, to encourage hope, not hopelessness, to encourage the power of the people, not the power politics of the few.

With only 7 days left before we vote for change, let's hold ourselves accountable and responsible. No more excuses, no more mistakes and no more time to waste. If you have the opportunity to vote early in your state then vote today. If you are voting on November 4th, make preparation today.

Bring your family and friends and plan for the party at the poles. Make November 4th the day we celebrate change - The day we celebrate freedom of choice. The day we celebrate power of all people. Lets all come together on November 4th, because it's a family reunion. It's our time and we are all in the Right State Of Mind.

We have 7 days to Vote for Change. 7 days to Vote to Make History. We can not slow down. We can not let up. We must push through to history until the final vote is cast and the last ballot is counted. We can, we must, and we will Make It Happen. Vote Obama/Biden on November 4th.

God Bless,
Mary J. Blige
Kevin Liles